So you've flogged another control arm ball joint? We're proud of you, you animal, but in order to prevent your Amarok from inadvertently swerving into a bus full of nuns and keep things on the straight and narrow, you now need to replace that wreckage of the Hindenberg with this fresh new ball joint from Roadsafe.
Much like the Thailand Highway Patrol, it's fully greasable and comes with a new circlip so you don't need to worry when the old one flings off, opens a wormhole in the space-time continuum and lands somewhere in an alternate dimension.
That about wraps it up. If you need more information on balljoints, there's always plenty of light reading on Google on this truly fascinating subject. Regardless, I think we can all admit this would have been a lot better if my boss had not barred me from writing the acronym "BJ" on this website ever again.